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Collierville United Methodist church

Collierville United Methodist Church is one of the largest and oldest churches in the town of Collierville, Tennessee. Their beautiful, traditional sanctuary needed a sound system upgrade. Their complaint was that there were uneven sound volumes at different listening positions throughout the room. In other words, the system was not dispersing sound evenly. The sanctuary, constructed with many angled walls, created this challenge.

Memphis Sound Lab analyzed the room by using modeling software to generate an exact simulation of reverberation times, speech intelligibility, and other acoustical parameters. By using the data, we were able to choose the right speakers and then place them at specific locations to evenly cover the entire sanctuary’s listening plane. Four of the new Electro-Voice EVF High Definition Series speakers were used to cover the floor and balcony. New EVF sub cabinets were added using an EV DC-ONE processor driving EV CPS Contractor Precision Series amplifiers. A new Yamaha digital console was added to complete the project.

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